

来源:理学院 发布日期:2023-08-18

  报告题目:Representations of the small quasi-quantum group




  报告摘要:In this talk, we give the representations of the small quantum group and the small quasi-quantum group respectively, where q is a primitive n-th root of unity and n>2 is odd. All finite dimensional indecomposable -modules are described and classified. Moreover, the decomposition rules for the tensor products of -modules are given. Finally, we describe the structures of the projective class ring and the Green ring . We show that is isomorphic to a subring of and the stable Green rings and are isomorphic. This is the joint work with Huixiang Chen and Hua Sun.


  张印火,比利时Hasselt大学教授,Hopf代数和张量范畴理论国际知名专家, 在Hopf代数的Green 环和Brauer 群方面做了许多开创性和深刻的工作。在 《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》, 《J. Noncommut. Geom.》,《Select. Math.》, 《Math. Z.》, 《Israel J. Math.》, 《J. Algebra》等高水平杂志发表论文80多篇,被同行引用650余次。现为比利时Hasselt大学终身教授,是每一年一次的Hopf代数与Tensor Categories国际会议的发起人和组织者。