
Tea Time 学术活动系列邀请报告(199)

来源:理学院 发布日期:2023-02-07

  报告题目:Introduction to SDHCAL and its potential applications to tomography tools for volcanoes and home security

  报告人:Imad Laktineh教授(法国里昂克劳德伯纳德大学)


  地点:线上报告, 1-401


  Imad Laktineh, is Professor at the Institute of the two infinities IP2I of Lyon. His main current activities are focused on R&D on calorimeters and muon detectors for experiments of future high-energy colliders (ILC, CEPC and HL-LHC) and tomography. He was chairman of the steering board of two large collaborations. He has several patents and he is PI for several scientific projects. He is in charge of the subatomic Master Physics in Lyon University. I. Laktineh is also a co-chairman of the steering board of the FCPPL.


  The Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter (SDHCAL) is a new concept developed within the CALICE international Collaboration. The concept is based on exploiting the Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) techniques to achieve a better jet energy resolution allowing a better understanding of the particle interaction in future lepton colliders such as ILC and CEPC.

  A prototype of 48 layers using Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) technology was built and successfully operated using particle beams at CERN. The SDHCAL, thanks to its high granularity, provided excellent energy measurement and very good separation of hadronic showers.

  The technology used in SDHCAL was then exploited to develop tomography tools for volcanoes study and home security application.